How will I know if my makeup removal skills are effective?
In the long run, you’ll know that you’re removing your makup precisely because your pores will be unblocked and your skin clean, not too dry and not too oily. Of course, you can also check your removal skills at the end of the day. The last pad you use to cleanse your skin, should be completely clean. It doesn’t matter if it’s a pad you use to put on micellar water or toner – it’s important to be sure that there’s no face cream, makeup or SPF letf on your face.
What happens when your makeup removal is sloppy?
Even if you don’t wear makeup during the day, your skin gives off sebum – a protective layer of grease that keeps it moist and protects from weather conditions and dryness. Every day (and especially if you live in a polluted city) the dust and dirt sets on your skin and mixes with grease. And that’s without makeup. Add layers of various cosmetics – face cream, under makeup base, foundation, concealer, highlighter and maybe ever SPF? All of this oxidises and mixes with outside dirt and face secretion such as sebum or sweat. This is why you cannot put off makeup removal until the morning. During the night, your skin regenerates and needs to breathe. So if you want to avoid imperfections, blocked pores, dry and chapped lips, irritated eyes and premature wrinkles – remember to always cleanse your face before you go to sleep. Makeup or no makeup.
How to effectively remove your makeup?
We have prepared fo you 10 tips that will help you remove your makeup in a super effective way so that your skin will work on your beauty while you sleep.
Choose your weapon. Do you know your skin well? Are you aware of what’s good for you? Maybe you like to pamper yourself in the evening with a SPA-like ritual? Self-care in a Korean way would be a way to go. Or maybe you’re busy and pragmatic? Makeup is supposed to make you even more beautiful, but you don’t have time to remove it? Think of a micellar water or a makeup removing glove. Get to know your needs and the needs of your skin. Choose from organic soaps, cleansing oils, foams, makeup removing creams or reusable wipes, pads or gloves.

Routine can be healthy, especially when it comes to beauty and health. Our body loves regularity. Face should be washed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. In the morning you wash off the sweat, sebum and various dirts that gather on the pillowcases (remember to change the covers regularly, you’ll avoid breakouts and other surprises). In the evening, you remove makeup and all the dirt that covered your face during the day. However, too frequent washing can also be harmful because it can damage the natural hydrolipidic film and cause irritation, skin redness and dryness. There is, though, one exception from the rule – during your training. We know that you pefer to look attractive at the gym. Makeup does mask your blushes and make you look presentable, but... it is pointless to take care of your body and destroy your skin and the same time. That is why, you should always remove your makeup before you hit the gym. You can pack GLOV Travel Set All skin types and you don’t need any additional cosmetics. Some gyms are equipped with cost-free makeup removal cosmetics and cotton pads so you can remove your make up before you start training. Unfortunateyl, you can never know the quality of these products so we suggest you use them only in the emergencies.

Always start your makeup removal from your lips! This way you won’t spread the lipstick all over your face. Then, move on to the eyes.
Eye makeup removal is important and should be done with different cosmetics than the rest of your face. Sure you love your cleansing gel, your natural soap or oils but the truth is, they shouldn’t be used to clean the delicate skin around your eyes and lashes. Choose a product designed especially for this part of your face (biphase would be perfect) or choose GLOV Quick Treat, which will suck the mascara and eyeshadow inside its fibers without rubbing the delicate skin around your eyes. Also, remember that when you go to sleep, your eyelashes and eyelids should be completely clean. Mascara leftovers are a sign that you didn’t remove your makeup properly.

Be gentle. Effective makeup removal does not mean skin rubbing or stretching! Maybe you’ll remove your makeup this way, but you will also irritate your skin and cause premature wrinkles. You don’t want that!
Remember that makeup removal and cleaning are not the same thing. Especially if you put on a lot of makeup. Getting rid of all the layers is one thing, the secong is cleaning the skin. That is why, you should first remove your makeup with micellar water and then additionally use soap or gel. Finally, you should use a toner to bring back natural pH. This is the step to use serum or night cream, not all of us need it though. If you have an oily skin you can try creamless nights – and keep monitoring the effects.
This is our pro tip, forgotten by a lot of people. Truth is, sometimes the simplest piece of advice is the best. Instead of aggressive rubbing, let a cosmetic or water (if you use GLOV) do the work. Place a cotton pad or a glove on your skin and just let the makeup dissolve. Gently vibrate the material without any aggresive movements – makeup layers will come off on their own.

Rinse always! Regardless of what you use – micellar water, cleansing gel or cleansing oil – remember to always rinse your face with water at the end. It can be tap water, you don’t need to use mineral or boiled water. Just make sure the cosmetics won’t stay on your face during the night, even if the brands convince us it’s ok.
Use warm water. This tip is not pointless! If you use cold water, you skin will not be properly cleansed. If the water is too hot, you may even irritate the skin and cause blood vessels dilation.
Treat makeup removal as a must. You can even try to transform it into a very pleasant, personal ritual connected to e.g. expressing gratitude? All you have to do is think of 5 things you are grateful for in each day. The time you use for makeup removal can also be used to practise mindfulness. Internet is full of tips on effective practices. Connecting makeup removal with relaxation and closure of a passing day, can calm both your skin and your mind so they can regenerate during the night and give you loads of new energy in the morning to make your dreams and goals come true.
What are your tips on effective makeup removal? Do you treat it as a waste of time or a calming moment for yourself? Comment below and share your experiences.